About Greenlight

Why and how it was built

Solving a business's needs for insights and analysis can be a Sisyphean task. Multiple solutions ranging from low-code, no-code, artificial intelligence, and NLP are all gaining traction as they allow business users to bridge the gap between technology and value. However, the demand is always ongoing and never entirely satisfied. Technologies that scale are the best positioned to make an impact, especially if they allow a large user base to complement their domain knowledge with the ability to visualize and understand data.

As an organization succeeds at answering long-held questions, new inquiries inevitably arise. One is reminded of the unreachable green light motif found in the Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald:

Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther…. And one fine morning— So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

Greenlight is a template to jumpstart Tableau data portals at organizations or to set up data-driven blogs for personal needs. Its architecture allows users to build a website while avoiding server maintenance and deployment. This approach is both accessible and very powerful. Greenlight is an accelerator that discovers value as use cases are tested with greater ease and it helps decision makers invest in the right opportunities for their analytics endeavors.

This application has been designed with JAMstack development patterns and built with the Gatsby frontend framework. It relies on a component-based UI built with React and generates blazing-fast static files with Node at build time. GraphQL is used to query data and styles are defined with Bulma. Users can generate content solely relying on MDX, a superset of Markdown.

This may sound complex at first, but we built this starter template for you. If you want, you can keep most of the complexity safely under the hood so you can focus on writing captivating content and embedding engaging visual analytics.

Check out the Quick Start guide. You will have a working site in no time.

Copyright © 2021 Greenlight. All Rights Reserved. The source code is licensed 0BSD.